Saturday, July 16, 2005

forever love

just backie from malaysia
as usual, played with lele
but held a mini tuition with those kids
teaching them english
while for me, they taught some malay
but nothing i seem to understand =]
haa.. had quite a fun time teaching them
imagining teaching 6 crazy kids of different ages
one as young as 5
and yet she speak so proudly as if she is 10
o well.. they do make lotsa noise

nidda get a short nap and nid to wake up for the stupid rhd!
wahh.. imagine waking up at 5.30am!!
wat the hell.. bahx..
i didnt went clubbing today ^^
quite a surprise
nxt week? i duno.. aa
cause nxt sat got vc photoshot outing
wakaka.. going to town to take structure

had quite a wonderful assembly todae
come to think bout it, pjc assembly differ alot from unity assembly
and quite so, i love pjc assembly stuff
today topic bout parent stuff..
i love my parents
i love my mom
but it still take time for me to forgiv tt bastard
anyway, i still treat him as my dad
unfiflial piety is the worst thing that can ever occur in a person thoughts
they mentioned: who do u want by your side when u on ur deathbed
those that you love
and those that love you
for the first: hmmm.. my parents,siblings,and you
for the second:my buddies and you
i know a lil of palm reading
and seriously, the line that represents life in my palm is damn so short
i wonder will i even reach the age of 20?
its quite boring la, but i told my mom that if i die in a fatal accident,
donate all my internal organs out
when u think bout how strong love can be? fabulous or watever
will u ever donate your kidney or liver to your girlfriend if she had needed one
for me: yep, i will
even if she left me after my donation
'take care, so long and goodnight' is all i want to say to her
nothing more and nothing less

my fantasy`
she still like de guy as ever
and she never left him al the while
but wats all this shit that is bottling up in me
its turning me upside down
felt so breathless at times
felt so helpless as always
maybe all this while, you never exist at all
even when u haf forget bout my existence
i still like you as always
a heart that stay strong
is all it can ever do
just to stand by you =]

song playing: burn by usher
time check: 2.33am
message of the day: afiq, u suck!


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