Monday, December 31, 2007

Guardian Angel

I havent blog for quite a while and I didnt really have the time either. Book-out times are usually used for resting or going out, seldom do I spent the time staying at home and typing this entry.

Since the last entry I entered, many things have happened. Im now attached to Archer company to be instructor for the mono intake recruits. Not much to describe about them except for the fact they are a damn difficult lot to handle and "tamed". Each recruit has his individual attitude and they would not care about what others have to say about them. Shit them.

Vishaki had left Singapore for Aussie and Consonance is now short of one member. I wonder when will be the next time theconsonance could get together and put up another performance for the audience.

I had a nightmare a few nights ago where I dreamt of myself dying from some chronic illness. I woke up with my forehead sweating and it just kept me thinking what the dream meant. Im a dreamer, someone who dream a lot and i couldnt remember the last time i really had a good night sleep without any dreams inflitrating my souless mind.

The recent of news of Bhutto's assassination and the car-accident of a young family guy do hit me hard on whether I had live my life to the fullest. The dream may be a hint from my soul that "hey ivan, you should start living life and stop sulking."

I really have many things in mind which I want to accomplish but often, such tasks which I try to achieved are hinder by my laziness attitude. But now no, with a new year brings new resolutions.

This year, Im going to be a better person, a better guy and a better boyfriend. Im going to spend less on useless things and donate more to Sinapore pools. Commenting less about people and drink less.


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL , especially my family, girlfriend and my brothers.

Friday, December 07, 2007

DEC 11 2007

All thanks to AFIQ. The Black Parade is coming up.

2 weeks sweetie. Dont miss me. =)

Thursday, December 06, 2007


After much consideration, Ive decided to go watch MCR concert. So, I will be going to Sistic to the tickets with dear afiq. He Bloody Hell psychoed me to the concert. But since Ive made up my mind, LET'S ROCK IT FIQ.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Days in SISPEC

My SISPEC group of best buddies