Saturday, August 08, 2009


Seriously, I am physically tired. But my mind just keep streaming with thoughts, many of which I couldn't filter out of my head. And if you ask me what I am thinking of, I don't know. Randomly mixed stuffs like what I am going to do after grad to how is my gf's sleep. 

Darn. The synthesis of fatigue and insomnia is scandalizing my soul and damaging my body!

It is quiet now;
The owls have stop their hunt
and the crickets are dreaming.
Be quiet now;
The dogs' ears are sensitive
and the stars are watching.

Slowly across the bridge;
The fishes can hear the steps
and the river can feel our breath
Gently take the steps;
The flowers are loving your grace
and the trees are whistling your praise.

Tightly to my hands;
The cloud kisses the moon
as they come together in the sky.
The dolphins cries wake the ocean,
The sloths' screams shook the jungle
For this moment this time,
when the cloud kisses the moon.


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