Sunday, July 05, 2009

It's been a while. well. At least I am back now.

I was facebooking  ( facebook has become a verb ) and I was looking all the different profiles of my friends. you start to notice your friends getting on with their lives, engaging themselves in new activities, into a relationship, or for some, married with kids.
It kind of hit me in the back of my head, like where am I actually heading right now. It is not that I do have any ambitions or whatsoever, but it gets scary to think how fast time has slipped passed you in a blink of an eye. That thoughts of knowing you will be 21 simply just means you are heading towards the 30-age. I am not pessimistic  about what lies ahead, in fact, I am looking forward to the many adventures ahead. 
Life is so full of uncertainties, isnt it?
I had a great dinner with my secondary school friends and i thank them for all the happiness they brought to my life.

Friends, they come and go. One moment, they will make an impact to your life, influence your thoughts and perceptions, and the next moment, they leave your life as though they weren't present in the first place.  It's like rafting across the river, you cross that patch of water once, and with the next pedal, you pass them.
There is just simply no forever.

Eternal. ya right.

For as long as things can bring us to, this I believe.

And to Steffie,
You've been always that friend whom never left my mind. stay strong.

The stormy sky is thundering
Medusa cries as the shiny strikes
Raining of not crystal waters
They are  of God's precious tears
Upon the earth the misery hits
poorest and poorer live
Who cries for these broken hearts


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