Monday, April 28, 2008

everything lil' thing

There was so many things going in my mind just now when I was bathing. And in that very sudden after i put on my clothes, poof, there went all my thoughts. damn it. I wanted to blogged in everything bout` it but oh well.

It was something bout` life, karma and stuffs. oh well.

Recently I have motto that go with my everyday life, and tat is everything happens for a reason. Whatever reason it may be, fuck it ya.

I am going out already, gonna go get a pair of brown specs and bok in to nee soon camp. 6 more months to ORD. =)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapter 1

You've been like this since we were young, always wanting things to go your way or you will fuck it aside. I hate you when you acted this way and I hated being involved in my parents' affair. Just when I thought Ive enough of my Dad's problem, rumours came that my mom is having an affair with your Dad.

Yes. I doubt the coincindence but if I dont believe my mom's words, who will? The fact that she is my mom puts me in no position not to trust her. Do you even understand this? Im sick of it. Seriously, i'm tired of being pulled into these circles that are driving me dizzy.

The next thing I know, you are ignoring me as well. I couldn't care less if you cant be bothered with my mom but me, 14 years that we have been playing with one another, do you think I will ever lie to you? You know me inside out so well that I dont have to speak and you know what's on my mind. But now? Cant you see what is inside my pathetic sad mind? Do you even bother to care bout' my feelings? You know, It's always the same since we were Pri 1. You got angry, you wanted me to feel sad, you asked others not to care bout` me , I became all alone.

Im tired, burn-out, drained of all the mental willness inside me. I just want to lead my life the way I want it. I do hope that we can become friends again. damn it, my eyes are swelling with tears.

Anyway, I want to use this chance, to tell the whole word that my girlfriend is the sweetest lady in the world. Happy1anni. =)

Tags: Kahcheong: alright, lets get drunk.. haha.. Iquit drinking alr la.