Sunday, July 16, 2006


i want to use this entry to thank a very very special person. Her name is LOR JINFENG aka LOR MEE. =x a friend since primary 3, the friendship still stays strong. I want to thank her for giving me a special video that she had made for my birthday. thanks alot girl. i just couldnt find anyway to express my sincere gratitudes to you. i just felt that this present was a really nice and sweet one and it almost make me cried. Gosh~ first time in my 18 years, i almost cried over a present. but to your disappointment, i didnt cry =p. once again, i really love this video. thank. =) Greatest friend.... xD are you touched? haha. =D

Chunhui, Jinfeng, Ivan
the dynamic trio from consonance. =)
true loves do exist within the 3 of us.


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