Tuesday, September 26, 2006

3.20am and i still couldnt get to sleep, i think iris pass her insomia to me.

i just hung up the phone wit brother reeve. we were chatting bout some ARROGANT shits that exist in this SHIT world. ironic it seems that here we are saying that others are a bunch of arrogant shits, we ourselves are one too. the crux of the issue is not about whether are we arrogant or not, it is how you bloody present yourselves in front of people. different groups of people take things from different perspectives. thats why i always say ive a split personality because the ivan my jc friends know is not really the ivan that my brothers know. haa. not many people will be able to take the kind of insults that i throw at them, or even worst discriminating them. for reeve, that lucky guy, he took all those shits as jokes and similarly, i took his words as craps. definitely, this level of shits only works between me and reeve. anyone who try to attempt our behaviours and get themselves involve will only see themselves being insulted instead. yep. rex.

talking about reeve, that guy has change so much that sometime ive the thinking whether this is the reeve i used to know. to list the number of things he taught me cant be finished by the numbers of fingers on my hands. just to name a few, that guy taught me to tarik, gangsterism, watch legs and dress like a mat. but if you see the way he is now, hes different.
1) no more ah beng
2) 1314
3) doesnt smoke
4) doesnt honk.
kao, and just when he is getting better, im like getting worse. sometime you just hate it when people give you that look that says:" you this low-class no money guy", you will just feel like giving them one tight slap to show her or him that you are seriously the kind of person they think you are.

reeve, to tell you the truth, i really hope that one day you will call him lao peh. haha. tiu lei lou mou ehx cao hai.

im gonna meet my brothers tmr again!! yep. going to lavender to make a new IC.


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