Thursday, November 29, 2007


I found my long lost brother in Heeren.

You know what? I think she is having a real bad headache.
Look the size of that Medication oil.

Lastly, Stupid Reeve Birthday.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Just some thoughts to ponder.

1) Chinese Premier Wen JiaBao came to Singapore and he was brought to ToaPayoh for sightseeing. Maybe also to learn how Singaporeans are able to live in harmony despite our different races and religions. But I was thinking, why ToaPayoh and not Geylang? I mean, Geylang is where his most of his fellow cheenas came here to work. Am I not right?

2)The Golden Compass. What is the big fcuking fuss bout` it? Cant we just apprciate movies with a simple mind instead of thinking so deeply that it is trying to promote atheism. Just because the movie is about talking bears and witches, does it means atheism? If so, what is about the many fairy tales that we were being told since young. Wolf that can talk in the Little Red Riding Hood? Intellectual pigs in The 3 Little Pigs? Witch in the Snow White? Just tell me, what is the fuss about with those conservative christians? If a child or adult's faith get so easily swayed by a movie, who's fault is it? The movie or the teachings? If the fundamentals are set correctly for the youngs, will they get into believing in atheism?

Stupid. Darn ridiculous things to fuss about.

Check out my dumb conversation with my BFF.

jinfeng. have faith says:hahaha actually i want to tell you smth
jinfeng. have faith says:ask me what
IVAN [ No One ] says:...
IVAN [ No One ] says:don wan
IVAN [ No One ] says:u won want to keep it to urself
jinfeng. have faith says:HAHHAA
jinfeng. have faith says:JUST ASK ME LAAA
IVAN [ No One ] says:WHAT LAA
jinfeng. have faith says:hahhaha
jinfeng. have faith says:ask in a nicer way can anot
IVAN [ No One ] says:okayy
IVAN [ No One ] says:wat thing?

My retarded friend. Jinfeng..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

no one

"No One" by Alicia Keys.
Specially for my Gal.
Times may get hard, I agree, but no one, no one is going to pull us apart. The obstacles ahead may seem difficult, believe me, we will go through it together. =)

By the way, for the audience, Alicia Keys's new album is great with her sweet strong vocals accompanied by the melodious chords. It classic mixed with a lil' pop and jazz. Nice album for the emo souls. haa. Great week everyone.

I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better

You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright

No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you

When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain

I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try try to divide something so real
So till the end of time I'm telling you there is no one

Monday, November 12, 2007



#7 months le

#she lives in geylang. China girl

#PEPS band rocks.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Brother Reeve is sad and I can more or less understand how he feels. But, I dont really know how to console him though, guys are lousy when communicating with one another. Oh Well. Its time to move on.

Tomorrow is dear's dad birthday. Im kinda stressed because its e first time Im eating a dinner with my girl whole family. Gagagaga. Im ready to get scrutinised by her mom with many questions up her sleeves. Alright.

I called jinfeng today and she didnt pick up or return my call. She is so so so so going to get it from me.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Should I or Should I not go for MCR Black Parade Concert?

Friday, November 09, 2007


Memories are bittersweet. They can come to you as a sweet berry hanging by the roadside, and the next thing you know, it could just rob you of your soul.

My life. I lived with numerous of regrets during my teenage life. Regrets that sometime make you feel like cutting your own wrist so that the adrenaline rush could just ease the numbness of the wound in one's heart. Regrets that sometime makes you feel like crying and hoping that that someone didnt just leave you.

These regrets feed on the memories that I cherished. They polluted my sweet memories and churn out a product of shits.

Why am I getting so emo?.

I just surf the friendster and I saw YeanChoi's profile with terence's comments. That afternoon, Ive could had been with her until I decided to take the bus instead of the usual Mrt. And now, she's darn freaking dead and I couldnt have the chance to ask her out again. THe week before the sucide, we went to Fiji Ice-skating and we had many great memories there. Terence held Cindy's hand and I held hers, and now, gone.

Sorry I wasnt there when you need someone.

Gotta bless you.