Wednesday, September 27, 2006

monday's night was a sweet and memorable one. not wit some girls or wat, but yep, with my cool brothers. i met up wit mei, bkor and wc and were planning to go to lavender to have my new IC make, but there were some miscommunications in between and so the trip was cancelled. instead, we went to marina to have our lunch and like what mei said, to CHILL. we did things like what we used to do, play cs, stand outside the supermarket and watch the scorpion king, scolding each other and not to mention, insulting people asses. oh great.

sometime it just quite shitty to realise that this group of brothers doesnt have much friends. as a matter of fact, we do not even have friends. its like, its just us or nothing. reminiscing, we just got to blame on our bad reputation in seconday school, who the hell whould want to make friends wit us? it's either trouble or troubled. enough said though.

we went to the rock shores near the sheares bridge and spend sometime talking about everything and anything. to think bout it, we are left we little time to spend this kind of moment together. gah, growing up can be such a fun and scary thing. fun as we get to know more people and see the world in a greater scope, scary because many things could happen and we couldnt be aware of what is going to happen next.

if i really ever got a chance to choose my family in my next life, i would them to be my brothers again. ive no regret knowing this bunch of shits and of all the thicks and thins we have been through, this are the people whom i know i can really rely on.

as for those who are being anti-ed or hated, sorry, fate plays a part in separating us.

we're down wit hypothermia.

wc's stupid stomach keep bumbling.

ya la ya la. my head is big.

and they tried hard to get me off the picture.

weee. =)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

3.20am and i still couldnt get to sleep, i think iris pass her insomia to me.

i just hung up the phone wit brother reeve. we were chatting bout some ARROGANT shits that exist in this SHIT world. ironic it seems that here we are saying that others are a bunch of arrogant shits, we ourselves are one too. the crux of the issue is not about whether are we arrogant or not, it is how you bloody present yourselves in front of people. different groups of people take things from different perspectives. thats why i always say ive a split personality because the ivan my jc friends know is not really the ivan that my brothers know. haa. not many people will be able to take the kind of insults that i throw at them, or even worst discriminating them. for reeve, that lucky guy, he took all those shits as jokes and similarly, i took his words as craps. definitely, this level of shits only works between me and reeve. anyone who try to attempt our behaviours and get themselves involve will only see themselves being insulted instead. yep. rex.

talking about reeve, that guy has change so much that sometime ive the thinking whether this is the reeve i used to know. to list the number of things he taught me cant be finished by the numbers of fingers on my hands. just to name a few, that guy taught me to tarik, gangsterism, watch legs and dress like a mat. but if you see the way he is now, hes different.
1) no more ah beng
2) 1314
3) doesnt smoke
4) doesnt honk.
kao, and just when he is getting better, im like getting worse. sometime you just hate it when people give you that look that says:" you this low-class no money guy", you will just feel like giving them one tight slap to show her or him that you are seriously the kind of person they think you are.

reeve, to tell you the truth, i really hope that one day you will call him lao peh. haha. tiu lei lou mou ehx cao hai.

im gonna meet my brothers tmr again!! yep. going to lavender to make a new IC.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

i think i really need to relax and chill for a moment. poor stress management has taken a toll on my studies and my concepts are all getting mixed up. this is bad, to keep E constant, u decrease V while increasing D, what the hell? both should increased. okay. so to put up with this huge stress on my shoulders, i went to meet my long-time-no-meet brothers at 143 coffeeshop. yep. the usual hang out. 143, 145, 160, 302, bkor house. these are like my homes, places where i felt im at home.
so we started to chat about many things, our future, rave personal problems and the fun we are anticipating my As, yep. the trip to PENANG. whoooo~ i cant wait for my bloody exams to end.



have you ever love someone and regret not letting her know? only to lose it when she had a boyfriend already. and when this situation got out of hand, u become a timid ass and step out of the friendship that have been bonded for years. well, thats what happen to me. i just felt that so many things could be done to save this friendship and relationship between me and J. oh well. we know each other deeply in our hearts that we treasure this friendship, likewise, both of us just felt so awkward looking at each other. there's this feeling in the atmosphere that seems to be speaking these words to our thoughts. our minds are connected, we spoke wit our hearts. sad to say, i gave up on this friendship and its all my fault. sorry to have make you cry, J. and yep, i cried over this too. sorry.
love lasts forever, and so do this friendship that we've been through.
you are nothing else but the piggy in my heart.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

and so now i know
half of the people know
hates me like theres no tomorrow
tagging my blog wit their sorrows
laughing at my torsos.
anon came here to tag my blog
wit him is de souls of cheesy fries and salty balls


i cant think of what i want to write for anon.
darn it.
but in any case, i curse him.
yep. curse wit bkor's power.
that he die when he walks on the streets
that he cry when his dog bites on his dick
that he live without anyone to love
and that his parents die in a car accident
that his sister can rape by his brother
and his mother rape by his grandfather
that he gets blind when he looks at porn
that he gets deaf when he listens to techno
and i curse him that he fails in everything he does.

and i really hate to curse people, but it seems this guy is to be arrogant wit his problems.



and guess wat anon: u can tag as much as u like, the next thing you know, the tags will just be deleted by me. =)

im glad to have this people in my life.

Friday, September 08, 2006

this is so far the best fight ive seen in The Contender. two great buddies who known each other strengths and weaknesses face off in the arena. Steve Forbes Vs Nick Acevedo. watch closely in the last 10 secs of round 5. their movements will push the shit out of your asses.

most anticipated show for me and reeve. for this match, reeve bet on steve while i bet nick. well guess wat. steve won. darn it.

will one day, me and reeve fight one another. i think we will. sucha an asshole he is. and i almost forget to mention something, reeve is going to be a dad. hahahaha.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

wee. and i wrote a paragraph of words, call it a song verse or a poem.

the sunshine light
the morning breeze
your pretty smile
is laid upon me
i thought about,
about me and you
of all the things
that would come true
between us two.

mm. i think im in love. wrong time to think of this though.

anyway. jia you for those who are doing the As level.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

happy birthday to grace. shes the girl in green =)