Saturday, September 22, 2007

Flying Into Eternity

Trying to find a way
Getting better everyday
And I got you now I'm not alone
All I need in this life is one
One thing to believe in

This week has been quite an hectic week. Wednesday was my ATP test and the most shit thing was, I was only one shot away from Marksman. Damn crap. There goes the money and the badge. On Thursday, most of the specs went back to the range for reshoot or as safety specs, so the SP coy was left with only 2 pioneer spec and 2 motar spec. Darn it, imagine all the shits we have to do with so lil' manpower.

Today was bookout day and so I went to met Reeve. As usual, we went on our makanspree and today destination was Geylang Teochew Porridge. The way the porridge was served and the taste of it reminded me of how me and my grandfather used to sit by the dining table and savour on the wonderful lunch prepared by my grandma. The essence of the Teochew Heritage is truly tasted in that small bowl of porridge. Today was quite an experience too, it was kinda the first time I stepped into the Red Light District. While we were eating, the table opposite us was occupied by the "Dong Ding Dang" nationality. Walked a few more metres down the road and you will treated to a street of " Ni Hao Ma" nationality of women.

After makanspree, Reeve and I went to Plaza Singapura to meet Mei and Lian. Because dear Lian was the supervisor tonight, we went in and sat down on the sofy chair while waiting for Kezia to join us.

I so want to get myself a Canon DSLR and a tattoo at the back of my neck.

My girl just drew something for me. Thanks my girl I love you. =)

Monday, September 17, 2007


This busy weekend is finally over and I manage to squeeze out some time to meet m brothers in the afternooon then meet my girl(i miss her soooo much) in the night for dinner. I went to Sembawang CD shop this afternoon to get a present for yijia. The Shop was playing some instrumental music which really did a lot to soothe my mind. I hope this 20 dollars cd can perform wonders to my already-sick soul.

Come to think about it, now its the period when every students are mugging for their exams. I still remember, this time last year, I was still mugging like crazy with bitchy jinfeng. I would wake up in the morning at 6am, struggling to get myself out of my cosy bed and meet jinfeng at McDonald BB to study. 8am in the morning and trust me, I would spam myself with caffine just to keep myself awake for the day ahead. Now and then, Me and jinfeng will start bitching and talking shit. I would, " Jinfeng, who do you think is the boy's girlfriend" or "Jinfeng, I tell you, last time me and my ex will......" She wll be so sick of my talking that she wil start asking me to shut up and study. She helped me in my Econs and I helped her a lil in maths. Not forgetting that I would get myself a box of Hello Panda and a bottle of water to keep myself hydrated and full. That's the reason why I grew so fat over the studying period.

Oh well. Jinfeng should be proud that I wrote a whole entry about her.

Ciao` Booking in already. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YIJIA.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


The malays from the nearby community centre are practising their drums in the multi purpose hall. Their orchestrated melody is somehow drawing a picture of how I am feeling. The fast and ferious pace is painting the sky with dark clouds and vultures while the transition into a slow and soft melody is drawing a group of warriors trying to fight against their enemies.

My heart is struggling very hard and it is as though those vultures flying above me are preying on my dying spirit.

Im a warrior. Yes. I couldnt give up as yet because there are people whom Ive got to protect. Im a survivor and I will survive.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Graduation Ceremony.


Armour Pioneer Specialists of the SAF. With Pride We lead.
See the lady beside me? Man! She is one garang woman and one lady that wont lose to no man for sure. And she is my BUDDY. Best Trainee for our course.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Atone for One's Sin

A chance for redemption.