Friday, October 31, 2008

# death'n'love

It isn't about how much things you have achieve in life, it's about the happy memories you had before you leave this world.

what if you know that death is coming to you, and He gave you a date and time that you are going to leave?

O wells. F1 season is over and it's darn exciting. darn it. Massa didnt get world champion.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


late nights heal a broken soul
with so many thoughts that leave one cold.

a touch of blessing dream
and the love of missing things

our memories and twisting fate
reminds me of all those beautiful dates

keep your soul
reach for your goals
have your faith
and keep that fate.

yumyum. i craving for the suntanning tomorrow. As for now, Im going out in this wee hours to go fetch my brother from bbmac. darn him.

you know what. I feel like taking a butcher knife and stab my dad.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

# XO Cognac.

I like that rush of adrenaline in my blood when i get hyped up.
I like that numbness after drinking. It's like the only time my mind totally switches off.

oh wells.

I was reading my very long ago blog entry. It's a rap! and so, prelude to Eminem's new album, i'm going to introdue to you my style of rap that I wrote 2 years ago.

my dad is like those old faggots
going to batam to find some bitches
to screw them like tomorrow is the end
to lick them like kisses till the end
with hands that are so filthy
i tried to move away from this treatyb
etween a father and son and pussy
and this bullshit is driving me crazy
im pacing with tears flowing
down the cheeks i try to find some shelther
to protect myself against these weathers
the storms and thunders are killing my ears
the way i would take out a knife and stab her face
to show her how terrible i could be
my true face and soul that you'll never see

the raps of these craps are elevating
to a whole new level of skills that im showing
to prove my words and thoughts that are hiding
in my heart and they are comingto my listeners they are shouting
to your ears they are screaming
with voices that can be scary
they will make you cry with terror
i know my words are becoming annoying
with these rhymes that going ing-ing
but i dont give a damn to you people
i live in my world and my thoughts of raps

dirty hip-hops are evil
with gangstas rappers showing their knucles
but records sign them up for their power
and hear the sounds of their banks go ke-ching with money injections
i maybe a amateur rapper
rapping bullshits like some idioit crappers
but one day you will see me on mtv
in trl showing my gigs the way jin did
and makes friends with eminem and D12 buddies
you will come to me and say i love you baby

Monday, October 20, 2008

#jump. Jinfeng.


I dont always love chinese song but this song had me playing in my playlist for quite a while. That sweet tinkling feeling of wanting something that seems impossible. Haa. Humans. We are never statisfied with life. The demands are forever which bring the subject of economics. How interesting.

"sometime, we have to look ourselves in the mirror and ask the question, what the hell do we really want? It hit me quite a bit, thinking I have everything but it just seems things are not getting any better. Fuck it. Fuck this motherfukin shit. We have many personas and it is only separated by a thin line. Darn."

Jinfeng's birthday is coming and so is steffie, both of em are wonderful girls that had, have and still having an impact in my life.

So is my dear lover.=)

Jinfeng: I was browsing through my hard drive and I came across the vid u did for me the other time. Gosh, the emotions that came to me was overwhelming and I swear, it was and still is the BEST gift I ever had from anyone. LoL. Dont xpect me to do something similar because i know nuts bout moviemaker(though i'm quite interested in this field). haha.

#a night at prawning.

11-11-08. 20 more days to OOOHHH ARRREEEE DEEEE LOOOO..

Sunday, October 05, 2008

#childhood memories

  1. To steffie. If you are reading this.

I just wake up n smile
Wondering how much time has passed
Since the day we first met
Till the last day we never quit

I just look out n cry
Of the many things we ask why
And it just all seems funny
If only things were just easy

I just close my eyes and think
All the moments when you are the queen
We will be friends forever
And things will not change never.

#Family Portrait.

In our family portrait
we look pretty happy
we look pretty normal
let's go back to that

In our family portrait
we look pretty happy
let's play pretend
act like it goes naturally.

Pink-Family Portrait

Sometime, I do wish I'm better off dead. If not for my siblings, I doubt I'll be even typing this entry right now. And Im serious bout it.

Screwed up family. Family potrait. Shattered and dead.

My girl seems to be pissed wit me cause I disappoint her at the vry last moment. sorry girl.

Things falling apart at all the correct moment to make me shitty. darn it.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


I think everyone is going through the twilight of their youth, wondering and thinking what is life going to be after their stdueis or even better, cant seem to find a reason for living yet, people like me!

I dont know.

I always question, always doubtful about myself and who I am. I dont know myself well and I dont understand what I really want in life. Yes though, I can reach a conclusion of my character once in a while, but on the other hand, it just doesnt seem to be right?

Often or not, there are many things that I want to accomplish right now but I just couldnt find the time to do it or the enough interest to get it done.

Fuck it.

Eminem and his rap killing songs. The reason why he is so cool is because he always relate his songs to his life which relate closely to those who listen to his music. I cant wait for him to be back though because he is the reason I love Raps and emo shits.

Maybe I'll go photo-taking by myself.