Friday, December 15, 2006


As usual, i will meet my brothers at the coffeeshop everynight. the group used to be in group of 8-10, den become 8, then 7 , then 6 and now 5. but having small group of true friends do have their advantages. i mean, you understand evey single shit of them till u know what they're darn thinking in their mind. also, thoughts and words can be speak without the fear of offending someone. although conflicts do occur sometime, but these short-term conflicts are ease quickly by other jokes or topics.

Reminiscing the past of my secondary school days, i feel that i havent grown up. haha. it actually depends with whom im with. with my jc friends, i feel more mature, but with my brothers, darn, i feel like i haven grown for one single bit. haha. im now trying to criticise those people, but it is this never-grow-up attitude that really bonds us together. our no-life slogan is held high in the skies, proudly telling everyone how pathetic our lives are.

okay, here are the top 5 stories( memories) that happened in which i will never forget. laugh laugh laugh. =)

(not arranged in order)
1) prom night at Oriental Hotel. this was one of the madness experiences in my life. imaging having the whole batch of people dancing on the dance floor with you. haha. i still remember that me and my brothers were the one that start the dance and we even went up to the stage to show our "dance". then everyone held rex and threw him up in the air. with the idea of sabotaging him, no one caught him and he stumbled to the floor. ouchh* haha.

2) Gambling Den in School toilet.
you heard of illegal gambling in the news but you willl never imagined that such things took place in UNITY SEC.SCHOOL TOILET! haha. there were two bankers, stupid ones, whose money were cheated by us. i think at one time, there were as many as 25 students in the toilet. picture this, small space, 2 games, 25 people, shouting here and there, exchanging of cards. HAHA. and this took place during cirriculum hours.

3)Knowing Her
it started in 30.7.2004 and ended 2 weeks or so later. but during the days before we got together, we spent many time of our nights, chatting on the phones, strolling at neighbouring parks, texting, every single thing that couples will do. i still remember clearly that night, when i held her hands and ..... oh well, im moving on wit my life and this feeling will eventually come to an end.

4) My English and Chinese Class.
Having only some friends in my own class, i always look forward to english and chinese classes because we are banded according to our grades. Being in the last band for chinese and second last class for english, i feel much happier and stupid because im with my groups of friends.

5) My Vandalism Experience
Having the reputation of being quite a hooligan, i was caught and charged with vandalism by the school disciplinary committee. haha. with me in this shit was reeve,tik and kaijin. i remembered being called up to the stage and there was the discipline master talking to the school. " REMEMBER THESE FACES. REMEMBER THEM. THEY, THESE PEOPLE, COULD BE THE ONES WHO STEAL YOUR THINGS, HACKED OPEN YOUR LOCKERS, AND VANDALISE THE SCHOOL PROPERTIES. " no bad having free publicity with my name but the condition was hours of CWO. who cares anyway. haha.

now u know why i love my sec.4 life. =)


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