Monday, December 11, 2006


Having school ended for quite a while, im beginning to miss schooling life. if only the education system doesnt come with exams and stuffs, schools will be a hell ton of fun. sadly to say, exams and tests seem to be the only way to guage the level of our intelligence and the amount of knowledge that we possessed. I miss 05s12. I miss sitting in the cafeteria and have stupid chats with afiq. oh crap.

everything just proves to fast for me to handle, given the fact that ive completed my 2 years of jc-education. i mean, the last thing i remembered, i was still having orientation and meeting new friends. ya. the first person i met and made friend with was weijing? she was my dance partner during O1. haha. i was quite certain that she felt totally uncomfortable dancing with me and i wondered why. then i met ying. we became real good friends after that msn chat and everyone mistook us as couple. oh. shes always my sweet lil' princess. chunjin then started to join our clinque after we discovered a common hatre that we all shared, FAC. the 3 of us began sharing all kinds of gossips and shits bout that person and started hanging out tgt after school. but after the 1st 3 months, ying went to another combi class and i met afiq.

with another stage of life ended, im welcoming a whole new experience in Ns. Enlisting on the Jan12, im filled with anticipation to the kinds of people im going to meet. crazy shit.

the arrival of adulthood does prove a lil too much for me. given the kind of situations ive dealt during my youth, i learned quite a lot of things. although words could not described much of the feelings that ive went through, im thankful of those who have stand by me.

ive been following closely to the situations happening in Iraq these days. ture enough, Im a supporter of George Bush and his Adminstration. When the green light was given for the invasion to Iraq, reports splash across headlines of most newspapers. The arrest of Saddam( satan) was a clear victory and the world were rejoice over the freedom of the Iraqis. The Tyrant ruler is now held in custody and with the death penalty given, i cant wait to see that guy go to hell. What we see now was a totally different scenarios that weve much expected. Bombs taking place everyday and people dying on the streets with no one to care. Yes. that is what is happening. i came across this report on the newspaper and trust me, i really do hope that these killings can come to a stop. Just what do these sucide bombers want? Yaya, they will put words like "Scarifices for The Masses" or "This is War, tradegy cannot be avoided". to me, these are just selfish perceptions or maybe im just too simply naive.

I send my blessings to those survivals and those trying to survive. Stride on. my prayers go out to them.


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