Sunday, March 25, 2007

Having posted out from BMTC, Im now on my next phase of military training, SISPEC. School of Infantry Specialists, otherwise known as Suffer in Silence plus Extra Confinement, will be my new home for the next 10 weeks. Situated at Pasir Leba, i would say its blessing because its near my house and so sorry to those living in the East. WELCOME TO THE WEST SIDE. My East side Buddies told me that the girls over there are prettier and cuter, ah, oh well.

Not going anywhere for the whole of Sunday afternoon is driving me nuts. Its been sometime since i ever stayed at home for an entire afternoon. Crap. I need to get my ass moving and get out of this house.

Brother Reeve is sad and I hope things are better now.

I havent met my Stefanie for quite some time until yesterday. We've known each other since like Primary 2 and our friendship are so close that even the atomic spaces between two molecules are still considered far. Its like yesterday that we were still playing at the playground and teasing about growing up, and now she told me shes going to the ROM when she turns 21. Interesting. haha. 21 years old will be when I just ORD and still continuing my studies in the Uni. Nonetheless, She's a wonderful friend and buddy. =)

Although You and I are not together yet, but it seems like there are lots of obstacles ahead of us. Our trust and perserverance are put to test and if at any one time you choose to back out, do tell me. I just want you to be Happy and feel Secured with me around. It doesnt matter to me no more of the problems we are gonna face, what matters is we are happy with one another around. =)


Sunday, March 18, 2007

This Entry is Specially Dedicated to one fine lady, Ang Yi Jia, because she TAGGED on my tagboard that she doenst see her NAME!

SOOO, let me start off with how i get to know her.

Interestingly, I knew her because we often see each other while studying at BB mac.
Then i get to know she's from peps and Yiyang is her brother. (poor yiyang). Oh and our dads are friends because they worked in the Bus Services Sector. What can i say, how small could the world be?

Our first chat was when she came to our table( me and jinfeng were studying then) and asked for a favour to help them look after her stuffs. I did my Job quite well because I LOOKED at her stuffs 24/7. AND if anyone steals her things, i wouldnt respond because i was only told to LOOK.

HAHA. But she is a kind and sweet lady. Because we did her favour,she returned her gratitude with a packet of popiah. WONDERFUL!

Oh. Yijia. Let me tell you something, you look better without your specs. =p


what is her trademark smiley? Ans: :P

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Things just doesnt feel alright for me today. My dampen mood affects the relationship between us. I dont know what got into us but somehow, the whole atmosphere surrounding us turn cold and chilly.

I dont like this feeling and I seriously hate it. I dont like to move a step away from you but neither do i want to always stick with you. I know we aint together yet but Im too afraid of losing you.

The past is constantly haunting me with each flashback that brings me tears. My invitations to rejection is one way i chose to numb my feelings for my ex but nonetheless, these methods dont work. Now that I found you, I really dont wish to lose you again.

Blame my obsession.

Stars twinkle
Tears flowing
Heart broken
With our souls dying

Love touches
Tears dried
Heart mend
With my Love in your hands.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Today had quite been a boring day because all my plans have been messed up. WEIJING LA!! last minute bomb me =p

oh well. Im quite contented with myself because i bought a new book instead of a new shirt.

Just caught a movie with my brothers yesterday. 300 is a great film and i would recommend it to my readers. Apart from the killings and bloods, 300 is good movie because of the story behind it. Based on a true story with a history behind it, 300 shows how people in the past fought for freedom and democracy and that no one can steals the freedom from anyone. The movie really reflects a lot about the political scene in the world. In many parts of the world, the attempt to freely express one's opnion is often restricted by the governed body or any other religious groups. Humans' rights to express are discriminated by those who held greater authority.

Haa. whatever.

I feel like writing a poem but ive lost the touch to think of words.

It is said that Actions are Stronger than Words.
But Thoughts are stronger than actions and words.

okay. Let me try to pen my thoughts in this entry.

When the whistle blows
Silence Everywhere
And the flag goes up
in the battlion square

People all around
Never let you down
cause we are the best
in the SAF.

haha. infantry cheer.


TO JINFENG. haha. because she aint feel great but this will make u feel GOOD AGAIN!
Amulet of my Love
With a dosage of my Care
And the Angel that always Stood by you
It's a Friend that is always Here.
This is my 200th post and to commerate this festive date, i changed my blog skin. HOW WONDERFUL!


9 weeks have passed in a glimpse and now im going into my next phase of military training. Not to mention that BMT had been a wonderful and unique experience for me. The 2 weeks confinement during our enlistment was the changing point of our lives because we were exposed to so many regimental commands which we were never exposed to before. As a matter of fact, it was a culture shock to most of us. The next thing i know, we had travelled thru` 9 weeks of trainings and lessons. The field camp, grenade assault course, live range and blah blah blah were all memories that will remained in my mind as i leave tekong island. =) Not to forget, I will miss those that were from my section. I will miss my close buddies, UU and Jensen, my Scholar Buddy, Jie Long(platoon best), my ASSDICK buddy, Matthew, my Cute Buddy, Jon.

Army Unit, here i come. =)

During this period of time while waiting for my posting, I've got 12 days to rest and Im gonna spend it fruitfully. So most of my plans are out alr.
Friday- meet jing to buy Celest Prezzie, meetin von for a jog
Sat- meeting jing and celest for dinner.
Monday - Section Outing
Tuesday - meeting Esther for dinner.
Wedsday - hopefullly i can date von out.
Thurs - Tentatively, im free on this date.
Friday - KEZIA IS BACK and we will be meetin her at the airport.

Great. =)

I always thought that life is fair because on the basis that we will gain something and lose something. Nevertheless, i was too naive to have such thoughts. God gave no mercy to those who are dying in Africa. they were stricken with diseases since they were young and no way can they prevent such epidemic from spreading. Humans are seriously one of the stupidest creatures walking on this earth. We are no different from animals except for the fact that our actions can dominate territory and our power can gain us respect. that is the reason why we are intelligence mammals. Apart from that, we are just animals, living in a world where the strong survives while the weak dies. Sadistic thinking i would say, but that's the fact so face it.

We have the capability to make this world a better place to live in and there is no doubt bout` that. However, look around you and tell me what you see and hear from the news. People are dying from wars, attacks of militants, politics conflicts, the nuclear family, graft and corruption, demostrations and lootings, natural disaters and many more.

Who even bother to care for such stuffs. even if we do, what can we do?

I tell you what you can do.

1) go kill yourself.

Sometime i just hate living in this world. I mean im glad to have my loved ones around me, but the world would be in a better place if people care more for those around them.

I'm still a naive useless asshole, no doubt bout` that too.