Friday, November 24, 2006

after 2 years, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. only till now, that i realised where everything went wrong. maybe if during period of time, we sat down and had a little talk, we would still be together until now.

you are my girl, that i would i love you to
you are my lady, that brightens up the voidness in my heart
you are the one, that i would want to marry as my wife
and i thank god from above, that i finally found you in my life

thank u for everything. my dear esther.
after my As level exams end, ive been meeting my brothers almost everyday, or so to speak, everyday. its quite heartening because im finally back to their side, their hugs =x this is so because if there is one day that i dont meet them, i will feel that the day is not accomplished. yaya. call me a gay. =)

being at mr ng's wedding on wednesday brings a nice feeling to my heart. it just makes me wonder what my day will be on my wedding too. certainly, i would want my brothers to be with me thru out the days. nonetheless, i will put them in the VIPS seats wit my family members. to me, they have the same importance as any of my other family members. maybe i can ask bkor to drive a lorry on that day. ahhh.


went to vivocity to meet mei and wc after the wedding. during the bus trip, had a littl echat with mr bullshit. and yep, he never fails to bullshit.

Monday, November 20, 2006

you know that ivan is serious bout girl when he is really sad over one. say about me being sad over a gal, i wonder when was the last time i felt that way. and the last girl that i ever felt so sad was my ex. ok drop that michelle incident, that is not somethin i sad over, more like furious and bitch her, but back to the subject, the fact that i felt so weird, does prompt a sign of how much im true bout it. certainly, i do feel like crying. 2 days back, i was still consoling afiq over an incident, ironically, i dont know how to make myself feel better over the same problem. oh well, darn it. i just feel that im cursed by some shit from above or wat.

every beat that is beating in my heart
shows a true feelings for who you are
and the fact that things had changed
it just makes me feel like i am chained
to this crush that i wont hold long
drop the mic on the floor and piss us off.

enough said.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

i havent written songs for quite some time. although i drank quite a lil too much, but still, i manage to write this song. hope those who read it will like it.

Did I.

Did I tell you that I miss your smile
And like the way I still love your voice
Did I tell you I want your heart
Just the days we were meant as one
Did I tell you I love the days
That we were just love to daze
And sit across the lavender fields
Wishing upon the falling stars

If there is one thing
That I could gif you
That it would be, my only trust
And if there is one wish
That whatever you will do
I would be one step behind you

Did I mention to you that day
When I walked past you and pretended nothing
Because all that is left in my heart is pain
And I couldn’t find any reasons to say
Did you hear my prayers that night
When I stood by the mirror
And told myself I want to be by your side
But this life is filled with misery
And I hope that you wont say goodbye

Friday, November 17, 2006

after 2 years of jc education, its finally over. my As level exams ended 2 days back and oh well, there are still people who are struggling for their papers. all the best to you guys because im having a HELL LOT OF FUN! =x

i must say, these 2 years had passed so fast that yesterday seems just like my orientation day. the memories of the fun during orientation are still fresh in my mind and right now, we are moving on wit our life in separate paths. i would say that life in jc is so much different in secondary school. the level of competition, the expectation of our grades and the kind of friends you make. it was really a great experience growing up with the groups of people in jc. the exposure to different subjects actually makes you more aware of the things that are happening around your life. we spoke about current affairs, home policies and racist jokes?. but at the end of the day, our friendship are bonded by the feelings we shared.

now that we are moving in separate paths, i feel that the one i will miss most is afiq. its not that the rest of the class are not important in my jc life, but afiq is that chap whom i could really count on. i dont know but the fact that we are so close, it just give me the feeling that we know each other in our past life.

to afiq, be it anything, you are always be that malay in my ass. =)

to norman, zhan and bryan, thanks for always being there for me. its great to haf you guys in my life.

to weijing and celest, my hehe sisters, you girls are the ones i really dote in the class. if anything happens, do find me, i will be a brother and help you guys in anything.

and to 05s12, our paths intersected at this junction of our lives, and now we are separating from this junction of fate and lives will move on for us. bless you guys. =)