Sunday, May 06, 2007

Im furious, angry, pissed off and to be specific, fucked up!

Bitches, Sons of whosoever-make-a-regret-mothers, bastards, asses.. ahh.. Screw them.

Alright. Enough of shits, let me explain for being so.... Bahx..

Read this.

BAGHDAD - A car bomb ripped through a wholesale food market in western Baghdad on Sunday, flattening cars and shops and killing at least 30 people in the deadliest of a wave of attacks across Iraq that killed at least 50 people. By RAVI NESSMAN, Associated Press Writer .

This shit happened just 10 mins ago. Crap.

All the innocent civilians are being killed for God Knows What Reasons.

Al, Send some troops from above and maybe wiped these people off the surface of this land.


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