Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Our breathes could be heard in our ears
The love we shared are touchd by our soul
The feelings that ran through our body
are things which words couldnt describe

Our cheeks caressed
Our souls entwined
Our hearts beat with the same tempo
Our hands holding tight

God sends you from above
for me to love and care
and with you, you brought
happiness and joy to my life.

Warmth and Coldness
Sun and Moon
Flakes of snows
Loneliness in one's heart
Stabbing in the heart
Glasses full of blood
Devils tattoed with Hatred
Angels being tortured.
Send someone from above
to save poor Mother Earth
From Danger and Threats
that pollute the young minds.
Prayers heard
God answered.
How, you will see it for yourself.

Think bout' this.
Natural Disaters are Karma of Human's Creation.


Alright, my entries these days have been quite random. And somehow, I felt an attachment to God for the first time.

Oh well.

My mom is coming home this week. After leaving this home for 6 months or so, I hope her return will be able to restore some stability in the house. My sis needs coaching and guidance at her age and no way would I want my sister to turn astray. And may God please hit some senses into my Dad's pathetic, shitty, irritating, stubborn, ignorant mind so that he would not repeat the same old stupid mistakes again and again.

God, just give the both of them one last chance.

I hope and pray, but nonetheless, doubtful.

What can i say?

I'm going to catch some sleep and maybe go for a swim or jog tomorrow. Exhaustion is putting my body into hibernation.


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