Saturday, July 14, 2007


Not the usual kind of entry that i will try, not about my daily lifestyle, not about my routine and no any of the photos that Im going to upload.

Just an insight about life, the vulnerability of life that all of us are holding with.

True indeed if u read the newspaper, that many lives are lost from disaters and tragedy, be it whether it is natural or unnatural. There is no doubt that at any point of our lives, the life that He gave us could be robbed by Death. Where do we go after this? Heaven, hell or some dimensionless world.

My auntie is a religious person and she was telling me all kind of philosophy about God and Life. In my idea, God doesnt refers to Jesus or Allah or Jade Emperor or any other Almighty of a religion, my God refers to the ultimate being that support lives on Earth. She was saying about the existence of this place where our souls will return after we die and when the world comes to an end. Armageddon will set upon this world, something which I quite believe, but like what we know bout` Mother Earth, this world will resurrect and a new world will be alive.

Gaia. Any idea what is that? Its a Greek mythology person, otherwise known as the Goddess of Earth.

All of us knew it all along how accessible Death is to our lives. He can just take it anytime, anywhere, regardless of any reasons or excuses. Death, as an entity, personifies itself in the form of illnesses, murderers, disaters etc. So what if we know?

Many people are too caught up with their careers that they tend to forsee other goodies that God is giving us. The trees that He gave love to, the clouds that he gave soul to or the river that He gave his feelings to. How often do you look to the sky and thank God that you are still living and kicking hard? I do, umpteen times, that I've got my loved ones with me.

Do live and live hard. A sentence from Mother's Teresa which I always remember, " Life is a game, Play it."


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