Monday, June 18, 2007

I had quite much fun spending time with my brothers and girlfriend this weekend. Yesterday, I went for 7km run with Brother Weecheong around the Yew Tee neighbourhood. Not bad though because this is the first time i ran continuous for 45 mins. The feeling after the run was great and we were sweating as though we just had a bath. After the run, went to meet my girl and shopped around marina square. Yep. was shopping for CHER LING PRESENT but I couldnt think of what to get for her. I was still thinking of sending a cake over to Aussie. Oh well, she wouldnt want to eat that cake that had been rotting in the plane for hours?

Went back to College today to collect my A level certificate and I met most of the tutors. Reminiscing the past as I walked along the ramp to the canteen. I miss the chicken rice, the time i spent my time outside my cca room, talk cock with the pe teachers, studying in classs, walk around the school compound with afiq and the times with s12. what wonderful memories. =)

In the afternoon, I went to Mustafa Centre with Reeve. After he bought his stupid retro casio watch, we went to Lembu Road and tried some Middle East Cuisine. The mutton was so spicy and nice but stupid reeve doesnt know how to appreciate. While on the way to Bugis street, he brough to this Desker Road. There's a narrow alley with the backdoors of shops open. Walked along alley and we saw many old prostitues inside the pinkie room. Apart from that, you can see oldie faggots selling all kinds of pills and toys. Yucks.

Alright. Let me share with you people the testimonial that my teacher wrote for me. After reading, you will definitely conclude that the testimonial must had been someone else.

In his two years at PJC, Ivan was a conscientious and industrious student. He was also a responsive and attentive student who participated actively in group discussions. In the latter, He exhibited thoughtful and percptive views, while at the same time sensitive to the opinions of others. He portrayed a determination to overcome uncertainties by consulting regularly with his tutors to clarify specific issues. He was polite inhis dealings with teachers and classmates.

READ ON if u are still able to. haa

At the Class Committee level, Ivan was unanimously elected Class manager in 2005 and 2006. Inthis capacity, he carried out his duties with tact, courtesy, fairness and consideration for others. His civics tutors were particularly pleased with the assistance and support he rendered in managing the class. Ivan was equally active in CCA and blah blah blah. Being a civic conscious person, Ivan completed 280 hours of CIP performing a variety community services where he always led his class in volunteer work. Ivan's leadership qualities were demonstrated when he wa involved in O1 and 2 as an OGL.

Ivan impresses one with his maturity and independence. He comes across as a prson with a very clear set of goals. THis is accompanied by a strength of purpose and determination required to pursue those goals. Overall, Ivan's intellectual capabilities and his forceful and motivated personality will allow him to achieve considerable success, as he embarks upon the subsequent stages of his career and personal development.

Is this the Ivan you know? haha

Oh. And I was awarded Most Improved Student Award and Community Service Award. Woots~


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