Sunday, June 03, 2007

Passed out from Sispec and going to report to my new school tomorrow at Nee Soon Camp, Engineering Training Institute. 3 months of intense trainings and I will be off with my Sergeant Rank. Hurray Hurry Jim Bomba!!

Mr Tay's class gathering was today and we went to his house to visit him. He's an old dude but still kicking hard alive. I felt so guilty for the fact that I didnt respect him much during my J1 year when he took us. Our disrespect and playfulness in the class would definitely make ny teachers give up in teaching us, but he is different, he never gave up on us. Even after we were promoted to J2, h still treats us like his students. Till now, he treated us like his lil' kids.

So, what do i actually learn from this past?

To cherish the person right before you. Be it your parents, friends, companion, brothers and blah blah, we never know what will happen next. Alright, although we had heard these words from people umpteen times, but still, many are not doing what they should. If you have been catching the news these days, you will come across many reports of deaths due to accidents. Life is so darn vulnerable to the dangers around us. Anything could rob the lives of people around us in just an instant. Who would expect that walking along the treetop walk and you will die because of a falling branch? No one.

It's actually quite useless for people to cry and dread for not treasuring the person when they are alive. What's the use of crying when you know you could do so many things for that person when he is livin?

My siblings should really know how not to take my care and concern for granted.

Although Im that kind of happy-go-lucky and crazy fellow, deep inside, Im not really a guy with an optimistic thinking. As a matter of fact, I often think for the worst and I always have this thinking that one day, something of some nature is going to threaten my life. Yep. Accidents or what, my uncle once told me that when I reached middle-age, something dangerous is going to befall me and if I dont survive that obstacle, life will be misery from then on.

so i just got to PUMP it and PUSH it so I can survive. And with that, I can sing the song "Ima survivor." okay. Bullshit

Im going for my dinner wit my sis and mom. so, BYE. =)

And I love my girl.


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