Friday, December 19, 2008

# Anna

The thing is, I am always learning and trying to give the best of my everything. But I never know whether did I make it right. Sometimes, there is always this conflicting interest in me that keeps me from making the right decision. Everytime when i take 2 steps ahead, i wil take one step back, thinking and being indecisive whether am I going the right way. Whatever the track is, I still do hope and pray that it leads to where I am heading all along.

" Daddy, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, my sweet little princess."

"Why did you and mom gave me this name Dianna? "

Ken struggles for a while, trying hard to hide his emotions from his daughter.

"Because your mom wants you to grow up to be a strong and confident lady like her. And before she leave this world, she wants a part of her to always be with us. It was like, she did know that she was not going to survive that operation. So before the anesthesia took effect and put her into unconscious state, she told me that her name will be Dianna. Dear, pay attention to your name. Your mom's name is Anna and with your name Dianna, she is always living and by your side my princess. She never left us and never will I leave you. "


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