Sunday, August 28, 2005

happy birthday wee cheong

sometime i just wish i can live in malaysia longer. cause i cant bear to leave my lele. ha. i love her more than anyone else =] wee~~

anyway. i hope today is gonna be a fine fine fine day. i'm goin g out with my gang of friends later to celebrate wee cheong's birthday. haa. its gonna be nice one though. first stop is k box follow by 302. haa.. everyone in this group have a nick name.
me-->puay,big-head ghost,bomber
siang lung->mei,sia lan kia
junjie->b kor, big stomach
reeve->hey-reeve, ra-ef,honkster
wee-cheong->du lan kia, outside
apart from having a nick, everyone in this group will die miserably.
i will die from head concussion because i curse too many people.siang lung will die from hunger, too poor to even buy food. junjie will die of coughing, bronchitis. reeve going to die of lung cancer because he smokes too much. teric is going to die of hunger too, cause he spent too much money on his meis. wee cheong, haa, he's too fortunate, soooo.. i guess he won die so early =]

hopefully i won bomb them today, or rather, i wish i will bomb them. haa..she's working at lot one today. but i'll be at suntec. wowowooww.. so far!!!!gonna pray hard that her dad is not going to fetch her home, so i will get a chance.. wekekeke =x but i guess there's gonna be those lot one ppl gonna xian her. %##^%$&$%&%#%$ i cant do anything =\ nvm.. dont wana think too much too.

things will go smoothly for me.
peace out^
fcuk u` =]


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