Sunday, August 07, 2005

midnight wind

the wind during the seventh month is definitely much colder, sending cold shivers down my spine. walking home alone during the midnight is like walking through the road of hades, where you feel the souls moving pass you. brrrrrr~~~ i dont want to elaborate too much on this, its HARMFUL.

i was with a bunch of bastard friends just now. i call it the fucking gang, for the fact that everyone is a fucking asshole. we were slacking around at blk 344 playground, talking about stuff that were in the past. the past and memories replayed constantly in our mind. the fightings,sparring,def jam,troubles and not to forget, the hardships we've been through. i felt childish for my past actions, the arrogant attitude towards the society. haa. but its in the past.=] time passes fast. while they were talking among themselves, i fell deeply into my own thoughts as i looked towards the eighth storey. she stayed there. bahx bahx . its in the past. haa =]. i only told mei about it.

tomorrow its the ndp celebration in school. i cant wait for it. the vc members have duties to carry out tomorrow. we've to snap some shots of the celebration. but its GOOD! pj' dance club is performing a hip-hop dance moves. weee~~
part1)confession to my obsession. haa.. there's this girl in dance club. she's called michelle. me and zhan gave her a initial, we called her sweet sweet girl. ghee. she dances well and is damn cute =x i want to know her. =] like i say like i say, its only an obsession. OBSESSION!!!! which means, it will subside after somedays.haha. =] soooo, its nothing. nothing. nothing.wakakaka =x

this para is dedicated to a gal, call xy. she's my loyal reader, and i am also her loyal reader too. =x anyway, i just hope she understand that life's is never fair. let me emphasize the word, NEVER! nevertheless, there's always a friend call pimp who will always be there for her =] hush* hush* the rain will stop and the sun will rise again* smile * grin*

and to end this entry, i would like to dedicate this para to my lil' sister, jasmine. she's growing up and that's a reality. sometime i just hope she'll stay innocent and freed from the harsh reality of this world. the hectic life and trembling workload that fall on all adults shoulders. sometime i just hope she wont grow up. but we cant stop this cycle, the cycle of life, the cycle of birth and death. i'll just pray to god, that she'll grow up mature and never be ignorant to the things that are revolving around her. maybe i am little protective but i'm afraid she'll get cheated by guys. and if any guys dare to bully or cheat on her, rest assure him that his ass and dick are going to be punch by me. gang or no gang, fighter or no fighter, i'll never let any shit bring me down if he dare bully my sister. =] SO FUCK YOU! *its only to those who cheated her and my SWEET CUTE brother, eugene ng. haha.evil grin* i'll pray for her to get a good boyfriend. =]

god,bless everyone
god,bless her
kill me =]

let me hold you


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