Tuesday, October 18, 2005


its been raining alot recently, bad temper flare by heaven? a punishment to these earthlings creatures who had been doing much harm to mother nature? the comfort zone that we are living in prove to be disgusting? the evil-side of our characters slowly surface to our skin, however it prove blind to those who cant accept the fact. just to conclude one thing, i am sick due to this bad weather.

i had been coughing a lot, for the entire week i guess? i guess i am stricken with some terminal diseases, am i dying? sometime i think a lot with regards to death. will i die with any regrets? most of the time i would i ask myself, who would i want by my bedside when i died in an accident? i just had this feeling that i would die early, maybe at an age of 30 or so? i dont know. it's all lies in the hands of fate, my decisions and the way i choose to believe things. i wont bother much bout death, i am more fantasized by death. my uncle is going to take me to bukit brown, where he told me i could i take some pictures of human skeletons. but he caution not to find him if i get terribly sick. haa.. so should i or should i not? that's the question!

homo sepians are weird stuff. they often choose to get themselves hurt in situations or things which could had been prevented. for instance, love. i guess i got myself too hurt in this that i've become immune towards any rejection. i am just a normal guy, a normal human being who respond to stimulus, and in this case it is feeling. to myself, i know i am someone who could love a girl wholeheartedly, but i accept the fact that i will just give this feeling up easily if i choose to. but to others, i am just a flirt. except for my ex, where the feelings and memories still linger at times. but i had told myself, that this relationship will never work out again. the feelings and memories are being kept in a box and just place it somewhere in my heart. the box is locked, the key is thrown away.

here's a short and sweet chorus i've wrote
[titled: happy birthday]
i knew it from the day we first met
that gal, you're gonna be the one that i love and cherish always
we never had problems getting our things done
and i am sure that this feeling will always stay by our side
i love you is all i got to say
never will i let you go is a promise.


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