Tuesday, November 01, 2005

i miss her`

time check:2.52am
the night is still young and i'm drunk with my giddy eyes.
wonderful night with frenzy colours, i just went clubbing at the coffeeshop
the usual brothers that i hang out with,
turn out to be assholes who never quit in giving support to one another
we had laughters and craps tonight
as we sang our voices through the sky
i heard the voice of her speaking in my ears
telling me to get home early and take care
but it turn out to be an illusion which i can hardly grab
she fell asleep while we're messaging
i guess she was quite tired for the day
a message sent and gooodnight to my sweet lil' baby
i never thought i would ever love a girl so much after my previous stead
and now the feelings is so mixed
with the intentions of making her my girl
i think i've fell in love with this sweet lady
but i guess this love is never meant to be
so boy, i told myself to forget about it
accidentally in love`

reeve birthday is drawing near. 25/11/05. well, i guess we're gonna rock some shit that night. with so many crazy ideas that are running through my mind, i hope reeve will suffer that night =] afterall, he is one of my asshole brother.

i think i should turn in now. i am still working at my aunt's place tomorrow. i've got to report to work at 8am!!!!!! holy, i doubt i will wake up on time.

lastly, i would like to thank God.
i passed my promos. i swear i will brush up on my language and econs this time round. good luck to those who are taking re-exam too. work hard and smart, i'll pray for u guys.
God Bless You


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