Tuesday, December 13, 2005

sing for the moment.

when i was just a young kid, i like to watch the night sky and admire the stars hanging so brightly above. as my parents start to turn in, i would creep quietly to the kitchen and gaze up to the sky. then, i would start talking to them about how my day had gone by. they wouldnt reply me but just gave me a bright wink, as if hinting to me that they had heard my words.

though it may seems childish to others that im a stupid fool talking to the sky, but i wouldnt care less. at the age of 17, i still does that at times. i would tell them how tough my life is, about my friends, my prayers. like the way they always do in the past, they would give me a wink to tell me that my prayers are heard and recieved. thanks, guardian stars =] u guided me through all this while.

christmas is coming. i think im going to samuel church.

dear santa, i know im just another irritating brat writing these wishes to you. but since u are santa claus, too bad, u just got to carry out your job. haa. i've been a good boy through 2005. i know you wouldnt believe me, but isnt this way everyone starts with their wishes. anyway, straight to the point, i want my wishes to be heard and delievered. if not, i would replace you with another santa.

prayers to those ivan-love-you people
my brothers,(mei,bkor,wc,rave,tar,rome,huat)
my pj-mates(afiq,norman, zhan,bryan,cj,wj,ying,celest,shir,yh,connie,yx)
my unity-mates(jeanie,jessie, cher,von,tik,rah,limin,sab,keat,samuel,y2k,yuxin,weiling,sandra,cindy)
my pri-mates(jerome kwek,mark,chunhui,jinfeng,jason)
my one and onli childhood friend(stefanie)
she`(for those who know)
if i had left u out, please tag at my tagboard. i will consider and put ur name in there. please understand,ive short-term-memory.

special request of prayer to joyce. ure getting stronger each day. though we seldom contact, but i could feel that sense of confident building up in one corner of your heart. dont give up! if u fall down, just stand and walk own. dont be afraid of failures and betrayals, theyre the one who are your motivations. trust me, i will hold u if u ever fall down. =]

santa, i hope this wish wont be difficult to u. better get it done or else...............................

time is passing fast, 2005 is coming to an end. we are moving to the working world soon. things are getting so fast that i got afraid of what is going to happen in the future. the friendships i have with my friends, how long can they last? the brotherhoods of my brother, will we be able to meet up that often after this year end? we are going to the adulthood soon. too soon i should say.
but the most difficult thing i would not bear to give up, is this brotherhood. we're so close like blood-brothers, especially mei,bkor and wc. rave is like my long-time quarreling partner. without him, my life will be filled with silence.

sianglung, also known as, MEI
he is one fool whom understands me a lot. we used to be love rivals. to be more specific, i cant to be with a girl i like because of him. reason being, the girl cant forget the kind of hurt he had inflicted on her. but, we became soooo gooood frieeenddds, brothers. haa. unimaginable. however, he is becoming more and more arrogant(sia lan). haa.

junjie, also known as, BKOR
he is an idiot who is always late for meeting. its alright to be late for 10-15 mins. this short period of lateness could be pardon. but for bkor, he can be late for 1hr. one nice thing about him is that hes faithful guy towards the girl he like. one thing i would admire but still, hes dumb. i shall not elaborate on further details. but i like him anyway =]

weecheong or kahcheong, also known as, weecheong or kahcheong? DULAN CHEONG
he is one ass who likes to make me fcuked up then he will started laughing. he used to be a dickass in the past for some stuffs he had done. but he had changed. i just prayed he dont change back to his past state. jessie, trust me, hes a good guy afterall. fuck u wc =] haaa

reeve, also known as, RAVE,RAFT,CARKIA
he is a irritating brat who is like to quarrel with me. the rest of the guys got sick of our quarrelling anyway, cause we quarrelled everyday when we meet up. nevertheless, without him, i will feel so lonely. hes important to me afterall.

weitiong, also known as, HUAT
he is a rich kid who got into this group recently. i dont know how it happens but our frequent meet ups includes him too. i like him for one reason. hes rich but hes not stingy and spoilt. he has good manners but one sad thing, hes always bullied by me and rave. if i become real rich like him one day, i would definitly treat him to a meal at some luxurious restaurant.

terry, also know as, TAR
he is a distubing bastard and is the smallest-size guy in this group. hes tiny eyes make him seems like some kind of tiko. haa. he seems to be quite popular among unity young girls, because he is always being said to have many meisssssss.

together, we are the _________ brothers. i think i should suggest to think a name for my this group of brothers.

im tired. its already 3.10am in the morning.
merry christmas and a happy new year

*prayers go to those who had lost their loves one during the tsunami last year. i love you guys.


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