Tuesday, December 27, 2005

temper flaring

my tempers had been quite high these days. maybe because of my lack of sleep. adding to the worst case was the stupid rain. im experiencing total exhaustion.

an ocean, so vast and wide.
its a home to many sea creatures.
we understands how nature works.
the strong eats the weak.
the strong survive, the weak die.
ever heard of the crab making friend with a squid?
i came across this in my life.
they hid their friendship in the dark,
afraid that such a situation will cause much discomfort to both of them.
they afraid of what will happen, and the aftermath of it
they once fell in love with one another.
but nature has its own way of working.
a crab can never get together with a squid.
even if they do, nother will prosper from these relationship.
the crab stays solemn.
it only watches the squid from afar.
the squid found its correct partner. they are meant for one another.
fear that the partner may get jealous,
the squid could only watches the crab walking off, alone and cold.
the squid wanted to hug the crab so much,
but this friendship they had,
could only be kept in the dark.
now and forever.

im a good storyteller =]

im off to sleep,
goin malaysia tmr =]


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