Friday, December 30, 2005


i am supposed to be studying right now. due to rush hours that i am having these days, ive got a stack of holidays assignments to complete and go to work during the night. seriously, this hectic life is driving me a lil' crazy. total exhaustion each night and tempers flaring up very easily. anything that didnt seems to please my eyes, i just got pissed off. espically when my room get messy by my siblings or my laptop is being used and not placed back to where it came from. but anyway, i dont feel like triggering my brain for any maths questions. maybe after ive finish blogging?

a new year is arriving in 2 days time? i still got to work on new year eve and new year. no life~
but before the new year begins, take a look at the flashbacks of this year, its in chronological order, starting from jan. =]

1)entered the pioneer junior college 1st 3 month course. orientation was fun with my og13? cool! we called ourselves 'Ocean'.

2)get to know a girl call ying from my classy. we started our first conversation talking about relationships. after which we got real close. she became my bestie in o5s13. then came chunjin. we 3 formed the FAC. haa. we went out together once, and i treat them to sakae sushi. it was fun!

3)'O' level results were out during march? i passed my english and A math! unbelievable for my Amath.

4)during the june hols, i met up with my brothers. geez. hasnt been seeing them for months.

5)July 7!! the best birthday i had so far. i received lots of blessings from my friends and prezzies. hmm. one volcom shirt from von and cher. fleshimp shirt from jeanie and goderic, pink shirt from classy, pencil box from ying, mcr from afiq, card made by jeanie, hmmm.. cookies from my ex. and the best of all, a birthday surprise from my brothers, a treat at the seoul garden =]

6)arrived at the point where my depression state sets in. reason being, ive broke up with my ex for one year. somehow, i just missed her alot suddenly. to make a point to mark this end of our relationship, i make a book for her =] its over. ^^

7)i get to know a girl call michelle. maybe its all wrong from the start when i knew her.

8)promos was arriving then. everyone started mugging like shit. thank god i promoted, but ive to buck up on my gp. blogging is good in a sense that i can improve my language and usage of vocab.

9)quarrelled with afiq. but the problem was resolved. come to think about it, the reason why we started quarrelling was damn so stupid.

10)oh ya, jeanie! remember there is this period of time where we kinda like broke off from contacts. then one day at the school canteen, we sat down and started chatting about lots of things. haa. after coming to jc, i felt that we both stay close, then far, then close. hmmm, will we drift far again?

11)the performance at paragon with my band was fun. met up with my peps bandmates and we talked alot about the past. for example, chunhui like ahem ahem*, ahem ahem like her too. but they are friends alright!!! hmmm.. about me liking jinfeng =x. the days me and chunhui always make lots of trouble and we got lots of scoldings from mrs goh. but guess who was the mastermind but got aaway with it? JINFENG!!! argh.. haa. oh ya, i got to know this new friend, my young junior, charlene. haa. shes cute =x

12)my parents almost had a divorce. thanks to my dad. i am glad with the fact that he had changed =]i hope he wont break the trust of mine again.

13)christmas this year was boring for me. plus i was being checked by cid officers that night.

14)me,sianglung,wc,junjie.we made a pact to become to sworn brothers.

15)for once, i saw the soft side of reeve. he treated me to waffle hotdog during work, knowing that i didnt have any money. hahahahaa =x

i think thats about all.
at least these memories do make an impact in my life =)

ive got to start squeezing my brain juice.
seriously, math sucks! i prefer physics
whoever is reading this,
may god bless you.


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