Thursday, August 09, 2007

Off from National Day and I spent my whole day doing nothing, apart from watching countless movies though.

Life in army is getting quite tough recently because of a careless mistake my section made. The seriousness of this mistake did send my commanders to nuts and as a result, we were sent to hell to receive countless tekan-sessions. Adding to the pain from these trainings was the hot and sunny sun which drained out the last bit of water from our already-dehydrated bodies. The lack of physical trainings are causing me to put on a lil more flaps of fats on my hip, darn it, I should really do something bout` it before it gets out of hand again.

Blame it on the movie "300" but after watching that movie, the bodies of those guys did throw me out of my seats. For once, I'm really determined to cut down on those extra loads and achieve the perfect abs. Army really did push my body to further boundaries. Physical tasks such as 9 chin ups used to be a dream in the past but now its a norm. Tough and realistic trainings did give me the lil' strength to accomplish more than what I can do. Never did I expect that I could slim down as much and true enough, being fit really does make a person feel much confident. The fall-side of this, Im becoming more of a metrosexual because I watched my diet everyday. Sinful foods are only allowed during weekend and only to a certain limit.

Laugh at me but I'm hoping to hit at least 4 pacs on my abs and nice curvature of torso by the end of this year. Counting down, I still got 4 months to trained so I guess its possible to achieve it.


Me and my love are already 4 months together. =)

Book in alr. Bye.


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