Saturday, December 31, 2005


one sad way to start a new year, i am sick. down with a running nose. its running!! hmm.. anyway, 2006 is aproaching in 24 hours time. haa. but i still got to work during the night. fuck it!

during these 365 days of 2005, many people have made an impact on life. be it sad or happy, they just did something that made me remember them =] they are so important to me.

for female category. top 10
1) my mom. geez. she is the best woman on earth =x

2)my sister. she's growing up so fast and i am worried.

3)esther. shes my ex.

4)jeanie. my piggy forever. haa

5)ms squid. =]

6)joyce. i adddooorrreee heeerrr..

7)ying. lil princess

8)chunjin. shessss crazy.schnappi~

9)stefanie. my chillddhooodddd friend..

10)hmmm.. hmmm.. michelle bei. bah.. this girl.. those who are close should know. bah bah bah.haa

for male 10
1)siang lung. he is an arrogant asshole

2)junjie. he is a lazy bastard.

3)kah cheong. he is a make-peopl-pissed-off irritant.

4)reeve. he is a stupid flirt.

5)terry. he is a brainless kid.

6)weitiong.he is a rich spoilt kid.

7)afiq. my best malay friend.

8)norman. my personal gp tutor.


10) my asshole brother, eugene.

special award
peps saxophone section!!!,weiling,limin,yuxin,sabrina,05s12.4/6 especially cher, von,keat, sam, kl.anymore? cant think of it le. sorry if miss you out.

blog more the next morning.
im tired. sick. ah.
god bless
satan,kill me =]


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