Thursday, January 26, 2006


im really stress stress stress STRESS!!
but i dont look like one stress guy? haa.

i havent been bloggin for some time.. a few days i guess. things back in school are doing just fine, apart from the fact that we are separated for our physics class. i miss gerad ng lessons and mr lum is pushing too hard on us. on the brighter side, we had the lecture theathre for our tutorials and at this pace that he is pushing hard, i see some lights in my physics grade. however, i wont just neglect my afiq and friends in the back, i want them to move forward IN PHASE with me so that a CONSTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE could be form. considering the fact that we are all from a COHERENCE SOURCE and therefore we must be kept in PROGESSIVE WAVES to attain our goal. =) physics is in my blood but i hate trigo to the max.

chinese new year is coming!

special thanks to one special friend, LIMIN. im the ass while she is the hole =)
without her, my new wardrobe of clothes would have been boring.

reeve is one great brother of mine. although he is a flirt, bastard, gangster, whateva, i could never imagine the days without him in my life. life would be so quiet that i thought i was dead.


this is a true confession of mine
one that i have kept in my heart for a long time
and i cant stop myself from hiding this from you
coz whenever the night arrives
my mind would start to think of you
each night seems so lonely and cold
with the image of me holding on
to this feelings that seems impossible
there is so much i want to do
there is so many things i want to understand
to know a girl like you
who makes my life so different from the past
violence and smoking are history
flirting and drinking never exist
u walk into my life without me noticing
u start intruding my mind and i cant stop it
who are you?
do i ever know you?
have i ever come across you?
have we ever met?
no one knows

few weeks back, my civic tutor came asking me
"ivan, are u free-thinker, buddism , taoism, etc?"
"mr paik, is there an all thinker?"
"free-thinker den"

one fundamental thing u should know about me.
i believe in everything and nothing.
i believe in His existence but i believe He doesnt exist too
im an all thinker and a free thinker

God bless`


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