Friday, February 10, 2006

the moment

The moment`

Last week was the college open house, and in a snap of time, that one week has passed. Seriously, I feel that time is passing very fast for college life. one year ago, like the juniors, I was anxious for the release of my Os level results. However, right now, I am sitting for my As level. Somehow, I just couldn’t accept this fact or reality that is hovering and constantly revolving around me. At times, I just wanted time to simply stop and go back to the past, but this will never happen. We live for tomorrow, right?

Although there are still months to my A levels, I am beginning to feel the tension. I tried to relax but I am always putting burden upon myself. I wanted to get into NUS and not disappoint my parents. I felt that I owned them a lot. 14 years of educations, they sacrifice so much. And the fact that I want to go to the Uni, its simply just adding the workload to earn upon their shoulders. If only I born with a silver spoon, I wouldn’t care less about spending my parents money. Its alright anyway, I am glad that I am living in this family.

Common tests are approaching. I want to score in my GP, and hopefully, I am able to see some improvement in my command of language. I have been trying desperately to improve my English. Reading newspaper everyday is beginning to become a habit. Maybe through blogging, I am able to brush up on my grammar errors too. With cool friends like afiq and Norman, they have been constantly helping me to correct my errors. Thanks a lot. If I score for my Gp common test, I am going to treat both of you to a dinner.

Tomorrow seems like dream to me. I just can’t grip on to the facts of reality.

Siang lung birthday is coming and this goes the same for terry. *ponder, what should I buy for siang lung? Maybe I should get him a boxer so that he stops wearing those old grandpa’s briefs. =x I am looking forward to the gathering with my brothers. SIANG LUNG IS TREATING TO BEERSSSSSSS~~ but no more Amsterdam beer, I don’t want to get drunk like what happened on Huat’s birthday.

These days, due to the study workload, my attitude and temper seems a little harsh to some of my friends. Sometimes, I just cant be bothered with what they are saying and talking about. I am just simply too lethargic, too tired. I need more rest, more energy. If only I have the problem of insomnia that Norman does, maybe I will be able to allocate my time more efficiently.

I read some of my friends blog. They felt that had lost faith of God. God is always there. He has never left you from the day you are born. He has been staying in your heart and soul ever since. Trust me, as time passes, your faith will grow strong. By then, you will understand what I mean. =)

Valentine’s Day is coming. Loves and kisses to all my friends.

I have to continue with my physics tutorials. *sigh

As for now, take care to those who have been reading my blog.
God bless you guys
And her(C)`


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